Media Player Term of Use ( Subscription & Payment Policy)

 Subscription & Payment Policy

1. Purchases & Cancellation Rights


You may purchase our Services on a subscription basis, which may include various levels (e.g., free, pro, premium) and periods (e.g., weekly, monthly, yearly). Payments are processed via the Google Play Store.

2. Free Trials

We offer free trials for a limited time. You can cancel your free trial via your Google Play account settings. If not canceled at least 24 hours before the trial ends, it will automatically renew as a paid subscription.

3. Cancellation of Subscription

Subscriptions purchased through the Google Play Store can be canceled anytime via Google Play Store instructions or account settings. Cancellations take effect at the end of the current billing period, and no refunds are issued for that period.

4. Paid Applications

Some Apps may be available for one-time purchase through the Google Play Store. EU residents usually have a right to cancel online purchases within 14 days. However, this may not apply to Apps purchased from a mobile platform owner. Please check the platform owner's terms. All purchases of paid applications are non-refundable.

5. Automatic Renewal & Recurring Charges

Paid subscriptions auto-renew. You will be charged the subscription fee upon registration or at the end of your free trial. Charges recur at the start of each subscription period, using the same billing cycle. Subscription fees may change, and your subscription will continue until you cancel it according to the Cancellation Section.

6. Pricing Transparency

Price Display: Subscription prices, including taxes and additional charges, will be clearly displayed in your local currency before you subscribe.

Explicit Consent: By subscribing, you consent to the recurring payment agreement.

7. User Account Management

Subscription Management: Manage your subscriptions, including upgrades, downgrades, or cancellations, through the app or Google Play Store settings.

8. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Availability: Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are easily accessible within the app and clearly outline how your data is handled.

9. Compliance with Google Play Billing System

Mandatory Use: All subscriptions use the Google Play Billing System. External payment processors for in-app purchases are not allowed.

By subscribing to our Services, you agree to this Subscription & Payment Policy. For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.


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